Monday, February 18, 2013

Stick Exercise 2/18

The stick exercise took a lot of concentration. It was very hard to watch the stick, my partner and my partner’s stick. It was a lot easier when we held the stick horizontally to the ground. I noticed that it was harder with the taller stick, but it was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. It was easier to keep the smaller stick straight, especially when we were walking. Overall the size of the stick didn’t matter very much when we were just holding it, but it definitely made it harder when we were walking around.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Backwards and Forward Notes

A play is an action
An action occurs when something happens that makes something else happen
Knowing the connection of events is important
1st action= trigger
2nd action= heap
Heap becomes trigger for next action
A play is a series of dominoes- one event triggers the next
Someone incapable of action does nothing
Going forward allows unpredictable possibility
Going backwards exposes that which is required
The present demands and reveals the past
Lots of things happen, but only one has JUST occurred
Stasis is a motionless balance of forces
Intrusion is a pushing or forcing in
For a play to begin, there must be an intrusion
Stasis comes close to the end of the play
Stasis-intrusion and battle-new stasis
Dramatic stasis-things never change if something didn’t happen
Irrsistable forces don’t wander
Dramatic conflict is a particular kind of interaction
A human talks to get what they want
What a character wants motivates talking
Obstacle is resistance for having what character wants
A play’s adventure lies in not knowing
Things theatrical are all things that elicit strong audience response

Monday, December 10, 2012


Husband and wife posing for pictures during Thanksgiving

He has his arm around her shoulder, and is holding so tightly that the tips of his fingers turn white, pulling her toward him

She has her arm casually around his back

She looks comfortable, but he doesn’t

They hold the pose for about a minute, it looks forced

Neither one of them want their picture taken

As he reaches out to grab her, and she pulls away slightly

When the picture is over, he keeps his hand gently on the small of her back, keeping her with him

She removes her arm, but lets his hand stay

They walk away and join other couples in the room

Sunday, December 2, 2012


A girl meeting her friend’s dad for the first time
They shake hands
He clasps his hands behind his back
She has her hands clasped in front
She acts a little too animated, she wrings her hands and rubs them together
When she talks she sometimes points at him
She gestures toward something with a straight palm, and he points
She seems like she is trying too hard to be kind, or she is nervous
She gesticulates often and uses her hands, not her whole arm
She uses mostly behavioral expression
He seems genuinely happy to meet her, and doesn’t move his hands much

Elements of Behavior

Two girls in the dining hall
They are leaning over a book together
One bends over the table and book, her body tense
The other girl is sitting up straight, but leans in once in a while
They look comfortable around each other
The girl sitting straighter is obviously helping the other one
Sometimes she turns her body and sits so she is directly facing the table
When she turns and leans toward the book, her shoulders are tense
They are both concentrating and working hard

Monday, November 12, 2012

Vocal Expression

A teacher is talking and playing with her small children
Her voice is higher than usual
She uses inflection a lot, to keep them interested
She makes her voice very calm and soft when she wants them to relax
She starts talking to her husband, and her tone changes
Her voice becomes more normal pitch
She sounds thoughtful as she speaks
When she gets excited, her voice raises